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13 Days to Go

In 13 days I will be in the army. Not too much to report today. I went and opened a bank account with Bank Leumi in Tel-Aviv. it took about an hour and a half, but at least that’s now out of the way. The next thing I will do is get a cell phone, and I’ll probably do that next week. I will do some studying tonight and work out some as well. A while back I made some notecards with about 150 or so verbs. Verbs I figured were pretty basic and if I learned them then I could communicate at a very simple level. While I know some, I have a lot more to learn so I figure if I can learn roughly 15 of them a night until I leave, then I will be at a much better place with my hebrew. I only have the words conjugated in English and the Infinitive form, but you have to start from somewhere. This kind of brings me back to my days of exams during high school and college where I would wait until the very last minute to study and then would have to cram for the exams. I had mixed results with it, and it never seemed to work for my spanish exams in high school, but anything I can pick up in these last days can only help at this point.

I almost forgot, I also went to the shook today, which is like a flea market for those who don’t know, and I got some shower sandals and some socks for the army. I got five pairs of high white socks, so they will be comfortable. Other than that stuff, I’m told I will need a watch at some point. I was thinking a digital Batman watch. After all, Batman is a HUMAN superhero, unlike Superman and those other dudes. I think I have enough boxers, but I also hear going “commando” as they call it, is a good one to go. I’ll try that one out at some point and report back and let everyone know. I know, I know, too much information. Not sure what else I’ll need. Should probably find out soon, but for the most part they give you most of what I’ll need.

Categories: Army, Other stuff
  1. 24/04/2010 at 06:49

    Hi Herb! Papa & I appreciate your blog..you write so well…we miss you, love you and hope your wishes come true…hugs toyou and Michelle….gram

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