
Archive for 24/04/2010

Did You Know

Did you know of the day:

Hostess makes 500 million Twinkies a year.

Categories: Did You Know

Cookout, Food Guy Style

Shabbat Shalom,

Sorry about the lack of a post yesterday. I went to the beach most of the day and then had a cookout on the beach with a few friends at night. It was Doc, Joe, Ariel, Michelle and myself. It was a good time with a ton of food. We had steaks, which were marinated in Peter Luger Steak Sauce. Extremely delicious. Pargiot, which is baby chicken breast. Also, a favorite of mine. Some people have a problem with eating those baby chicks, but I just think they are amazingly delectable. I don’t see what’s wrong about eating a baby chick. In my opinion you just put it out of its misery without teasing it and making it think its going to have this great long life only to end up on someone’s dinner table. You gotta love those baby chicks. We also had kebabs, beef sausages, and grilled vegetables. We grilled on two little, portable grills. They worked fine. All in all, it was extremely delicious. We stayed out for a while, had some brews and decided to call it a night around 3 a.m. or so. However, we had a little hick up on our way back to my place as Doc’s car was towed because I guess he parked where he wasn’t supposed to. That took about 45 minutes to get handled and then we headed back home, finally. Even with that it was a good night. Nothing beats grilling out by the beach.

Categories: The Food Guy